Role Of the Teacher in the

Outdoor Classroom

This wananga will build the confidence of educators who want to safely use a local park for nature excursions OR your own licensed or unlicensed space OR your school ground for outdoor and nature play.
It will address some of the barriers and concerns for getting outdoors and provide practical ideas that you can easily apply to your own setting.
You will leave this workshop feeling confident knowing your role in the outdoor classroom and the next steps to take to make it happen.

What You Will Gain


An understanding of the Roles of the Teacher, helpers and children


Solutions to the common barriers of outdoor and nature play


Resourcing and Scheduling Ideas to help make it happen


Useful tools and strategies for risk management in the outdoors


Confidence managing groups outdoors in a variety of settings


Practical hands on experiences including a fire and knives session

Further Information


1 Day Workshop approx 6.5hours


A mix of both theory and practical – inside and outside no matter what the weather! Having appropriate clothing is essential


A certificate of completion will be available when finished

Investment, Dates and Locations


$180 (Earlybird – approx 30 days before course date)


$220 per person (Standard Registration)

Who Are Your Trainers

CELIA HOGAN is the founder of Little Kiwis Nature Play based in Christchurch. Celia is a passionate advocate for getting children outdoors and into nature. With over 25 years of outdoor and nature education experience, she runs Bush Kindy sessions for preschoolers in Christchurch and runs professional learning and development for ECE and Primary teachers, educators and parents. Celia loves to share her knowledge to help others better their practice and she stands behind the concept that there is never just one way to do things. Celia is currently trying to change legislation to allow full time bush kindergartens to start in New Zealand.

What People Say

Copyright © 2020 Little Kiwis Nature Play. All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Terms of Service 

Photos taken by: Stephanie @ and Celia Hogan

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