2021 Speakers Notes

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David Spraggs, Senior Kingergarten Teacher

CLICK HERE for David’s keynote slide presentation

CLICK HERE for David’s workshop presentation

Harko Brown, Kaimatai Hupara

 CLICK HERE for Harko’s book Te mara Hupara, 30 Ancient Māori artifacts for play, learning and other exercise.

CLICK HERE for Harko’s book Nga Taonga Takaro: The Matrix 

CLICK HERE for Harko and his daughters book  Nga aro takaro, 100 Māori games artifacts (this is the book he gave Celia)


Celia Hogan, Founder Little Kiwis Nature Play

CLICK HERE for Celia’s keynote slides

CLICK HERE for Celia’s workshop handout

CLICK HERE for YouTube Chanel with some nature craft videos e.g. flax and cabbage leaves

If you want to email Celia: celia@littlekiwisnatureplay.com

Ann Langis, Founder Ann Langis Play

CLICK HERE for Ann’s handout

If you want to email Ann: hi@annlangisplay.com 

Luisa Schrieber, Assistant Researcher at AUT

CLICK HERE for Luisa’s handout

If you want to email Luisa: admin@playaotearoa.org.nz

Julie Wylie, Julie Wylie Music

CLICK HERE for Julie’s handout


Dani Lebo, The ECO School

CLICK HERE for Dani’s presentation

You can contact Dani here: theecoschool@gmail.com

Leo Smith, Nature School NZ

Support by Dan Green, Nature School NZ

CLICK HERE for Leo and Dan’s leaf handout

You can contact Leo and Dan here: leo@natureschoolnz.co.nz

Emma Woods, Founder of Woodland Escape

You can contact Emma here: emmawoods@woodland-escape.co.nz  

Case Studies from the Nature Play Conference

For the 2018 Nature Play Conference a number of different organisations presented to the group on what they were currently doing in their nature programme. I put it all into this handy PDF


Download some of the case studies that were submitted for the conference here.


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