Many ECE and school teachers, managers and principals want to confidently take the children in their care outdoors. But they’re not sure where to start. And they need to make sure everyone’s on the same page to successfully bring nature into their teaching environment. At Little Kiwis Nature Play, we run nature-based education professional training and workshops, online courses and teacher only days – specific to your ECE centre or school. That inspire and motivate teachers and parents to confidently take children outdoors to nature instead of being stuck inside wondering where to begin.


Teachers need to know where to start and to make sure everyone’s on the same page so they can successfully bring nature into their teaching environment. They’re passionate about nature play, but lacking confidence or skills in getting out there and doing it themselves. We inspire and motivate teachers and parents to confidently take children outdoors and into nature.

We inspire teachers, manager, principals and parents to see how nature-based paly can be brought into their teaching environment. We do this by focusing on their motivation (why they want to pursue nature play), guiding people through the logistics needed to safely take children outside to learn and play, and sharing the outdoor skills that make nature play fun and engaging.

We recognised the motivation and
passion that teachers bring to our
professional development. It’s our
goal to keep them motivated and
passionate by engaging with them,
giving them the information they
need, creating networks and
supporting them.

We believe there is no one way to run
nature based play. It is our role to
offer and demonstrate options that
teachers can adapt and choose from
to suit their environments. We acknowledge the strengths of different environments and what they
can teach us. And we weave nature
play through all our teaching
experiences, alongside Te Ao Maori.


Professional Development

We offer practical workshops that build confidence and help support teachers who are wanting to use the outdoor classroom more, or for those who are setting up a bush kindy or one day school.

Customised Training and Support

We provide customised on request workshops which are great for those who want to offer some professional development to their teachers in their own environment. 

“The woods were my Ritalin. Nature calmed me, focused me, and yet excited my senses.” Richard Louv

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