
Backyard Play Freebie!

Following the success of our Backyard Play in Lockdown Live on Facebook, here is a fab summary sheet of what you can do in your backyard (or school yard) to help provide hours of play! Get your copy now!

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My First Bush Kindy Case Study

Are you an ECE teacher interested in the Bush Kindergarten movement and INSPIRED to find out more?

Find out how a New Zealand kindergarten ran their very first BUSH KINDY session and what they observed and learnt along the way.

Download your CASE STUDY today!


Monarch Butterfly poster

Are your children enjoying the caterpillars and butterflies and wanting to find out more?

I have put together this FREE Monarch Butterfly printable with some interesting facts about their life.

Did you know that they molt their skin 5 times before they turn into a chrysalis?

Get your copy today.

50 Mini Adventures

If you are looking for some ideas while we all ride this adventure that is self isolation, download this 50 Mini Adventures that I created a while ago and can be adapted. When you are out getting some fresh air, many of these can be done or even in your backyard.

Schema Info Sheet

Understanding schema helps us to understand why children play the way they do and what resrouces they need to help them with their play. This info sheet tells you what schema are, gives examples and shares some of the resources specific to each schema. Great for backyard play.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

If you are looking for some ideas while we all ride this adventure that is self isolation, download this Nature Scavenger Hunt. When you are out getting some fresh air, many of these can be done or even in your backyard.

Get our MONTHLY NEWSLETTER to keep updated with all things nature play and gain inspiration on getting outdoors and into nature at your centre or school.

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Grab your FREE Monarch Butterfly Printable Now!

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Get your My First Bush Kindy CASE STUDY now!

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Backyard Play Tips NOW!

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