Southern Hemisphere Easter – Kiwi Style!

Southern Hemisphere Easter – Kiwi Style!

My memories of Easter as a child involved a lot of chocolate Easter eggs – terrible I know! I really want to help create some different kinds of memories for my children so I have been thinking about what we can do to achieve this. When I look online for ideas or...
4 Tips for Getting Outside in the Rain

4 Tips for Getting Outside in the Rain

I have been asked many times for ideas of what to do with children when it’s raining. My short answer is “Do what you do when it’s not raining”. This response has received a variety of responses back! It’s not meant to be sarcastic, I say it to get people thinking and...
Plants need water too!

Plants need water too!

We have had some really hot nor’west days this past week in Christchurch. I always drink a lot of water and trying to get my kids to drink lots of water on those hot days seems to be really easy. They recognise in their body that they need water to help them feel...
How to make a Water Wall

How to make a Water Wall

If you follow us on Facebook, you will have seen our live video of our Water Wall that we made last week. If not I am sharing the link as its much better to watch how it works and what we have done. You can also use the photos below to help figure out how you could...
Christmas Nature Decorations

Christmas Nature Decorations

This year I wanted to do some Christmas themed crafts with my kids using some natural products in the process. We took a trip to the beach and gathered some sticks, well I gathered the sticks and the kids dug holes and tried to bury them! At home we found a collection...

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