The Ripple Effect of Parent Well-Being

The Ripple Effect of Parent Well-Being

The emotional and psychological states of parents are directly reflected in the children they care for. Numerous studies reveal that adults experiencing stress or mental health challenges are more likely to exhibit heightened levels of anxiety, irritability, or...
One Day Schools: Frequently Asked Questions

One Day Schools: Frequently Asked Questions

I get a lot of emails from one-day schools and ECE centres setting up or running bush kindy’s or nature-based programmes. Questions are on a variety of topics and for some of these questions I developed a ‘How To Guide’ that focuses on setting up a Bush Kindy but also...
Bring Nature In

Bring Nature In

‘How can we bring nature in’ is a question I am asked often and one that is very relevant in ECE, primary schools and beyond. As teachers, we have the super important job of helping our young tamariki grow into awesome little beings. We’re talking...
Why Kids should Play Outside in the Winter

Why Kids should Play Outside in the Winter

First published in the Natural Parent Magazine. When my daughter was 10 days old she had her first experience of a winter nature play session. She was wrapped up snuggly in her merinos, a one-piece fleece suit and a multi-coloured knitted hat from my cousin. It was a...
Dealing with an Incident

Dealing with an Incident

‘Morena’ I answered. My facilitator replied ‘I have been dealing with an incident with a knife, the child is ok and the situation is under control. He is heading to A&E now.’ ‘I just wanted to ring you as part of the SOP (safety operational procedure)...

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