One Day Schools: Frequently Asked Questions

One Day Schools: Frequently Asked Questions

I get a lot of emails from one-day schools and ECE centres setting up or running bush kindy’s or nature-based programmes. Questions are on a variety of topics and for some of these questions I developed a ‘How To Guide’ that focuses on setting up a Bush Kindy but also...
Schema and Children’s Play

Schema and Children’s Play

Schema is the technical term for play urges. You know, those times when you ask a young child to stop jumping on the couch, they look you in the eye, but the urge to jump is so great that they keep on jumping…they just can’t help themselves. Or maybe you have gone for...
Nature Education: Where do I Start

Nature Education: Where do I Start

Nature Education: Where Do I Start?   Starting to run nature based programmes (aka bush kindy, bush school, nature kindy, explorer sessions, forest school) can feel both exciting and daunting.  There can be challenges that you didn’t anticipate, you might...
What to Wear for Outdoor Winter Play

What to Wear for Outdoor Winter Play

Having the right clothing is essential for having an enjoyable time playing outdoors in the winter. When we are warm, we are happy and able to stay outdoors for longer and make the most of what mother nature has to offer. There are so many benefits for getting...
Should Children Play Outside when it Rains?

Should Children Play Outside when it Rains?

Rain, rain go away, come again another day! Do you remember singing that as a child? Maybe I am showing my age, but I use to love singing that while playing in the rain. Yet so often I hear people say ‘it’s too wet to go outside’. There’s this great saying; ‘I have...

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