by Celia Hogan | Nov 3, 2016 | Uncategorized
I am often that parent at the playground that has other parents gasping and running to save my children. It happened the other day when my 3-year-old was playing with another boy at the park. They had some toy cars that they were letting go down some ramps to see how...
by Celia Hogan | Sep 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
Spring is most definitely here and school holidays are just around the corner for some! Whether your ECE centre closes down over the holidays or stays open its always great to celebrate all things spring! New growth, new life, the colours – and the amazing smells! So...
by Celia Hogan | Jul 19, 2016 | Uncategorized
As a child I use to love school holidays! It always meant that we would get to do some neat activities with mum which sometimes meant going to the family batch. Here we were free to create whatever activities we wanted. One of the classic summertime memories was of...